News and events
Mangrove ecosystem services and their relationship with livelihood development
On July 12th, 2013, in Hanoi, Centre of Marinelife Conservations and Community Development (MCD) organized a seminar called “Mangrove ecosystem services and their relationship with livelihood development” with the attendance of the representatives of the Vietnam MAB National Committee (MAB), Centre for Natural Resources and Environmental Studies (CRES), Mangrove Ecosystems Research Division (MERD), and Xuan Thuy National Park. The seminar was held through the cooperation of four parties including MCD, MAB, Leeds University, and Xuan Thuy National Park. Its purpose was to enhance the cooperation and information sharing between MCD and other organizations and individuals working in the sector of resource conversation and livelihood development related to mangrove ecosystem services. Blue Lighthouse trainees also participated in this seminar.
In the seminar, trainee Steven Orchard from Leeds University briefly presented his research process about “Mangrove ecosystem services and the relationship with livelihood development”. In his report, Steven Orchard emphasized the importance of the central role of humans in community livelihoods to develop and adapt to changes.

Steven Orchard present his research subject at the seminar.
Mr. Nguyen Viet Cach, the director of Xuan Thuy National Park, shared a report about “Sustainable usage of mangrove resources to benefit the poor through regional pilots in Xuan Thuy National Park”. In his presentation, he emphasized the importance of MCD for the support of technology transfers for Xuan Thuy National Park, especially in the conservation sector and sustainable development of the environment and ecosystem.

Prf. Nguyen Hoang Tri and Mr. Nguyen Viet Cach conversed at the seminar.
The seminar about “Mangrove ecosystem services and their relationship with livelihood development” was in the framework of MCD 40 ” Enhancing resilience of coastal and marine biosphere reserves in Vietnam by strengthening natural resources management and sustaining community livelihoods”. The project took place from March 1, 2011 to September 30, 2013, enacted by MCD and Department of Ecology, Environment and Plant Sciences – Stockholm University, Sweden with the sponsorship of Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA). In the framework of this project, many of livelihood development activities for adapting with climate change were implemented. Knowledge about the role of mangrove ecosystems as well as the research on ecological and social aspects of these systems are essential for MCD’s staff and partners to effectively support livelihood activities adaptive to climate change.