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The “Blue Lighthouse” to continue a decade of devotion and growth of MCD
Centre for Marinelife Conservation and Community Development (MCD) held the conference Joining Partnership with MCD and the Youth in response to Climate change in Coastal Areas and Islands of Vietnam (in the frame of forum MCD: A decade of devotion and Growth) on May 9th. The conference called for partnership among authorities, organizations and individuals to support the youth in their environmental protection and response to Climate change in Coastal Areas and Islands through a program named “Blue Lighthouse- the Youth Respond to Climate change in Coastal Areas and Islands”.
Blue Lighthouse aims at mobilizing participation, intellect and competence of Vietnamese young people in order to enhance consistence, coverage and strength of responding activities to climate change in Vietnam generally and particularly in coastal areas.
With the first phase scheduled within the next year, including stages called Ignite- Shine- Spread, The Blue Lighthouse gathers 28 Blue Lighthouse Groups (symbols of 28 coastal provinces of Viet Nam), who will Ignite by recruitment and training about skills to respond to climate change, working with organizations which operate for the environment and sustainable development of community. Those “Blue Lighthouses” will “Shine” over other youngsters, students and 500 elite citizens at coastal communities to executive ideas or specific models in response to climate change. Then, the program will “Spread” to 3260 youngsters and student (representing 3,260 km of shoreline) participating in activities to respond to climate change in coastal areas and islands. With support from the public media and press, messages and information about climate change will be delivered to students and young people in selected coastal cities and provinces.
Climate change is among the biggest challenges to humankind. It has been and now has severe impact on production, livelihood and habitat all over the world. As a territory with a long shoreline whose land comprises of mostly low deltas, Viet Nam is considered one of the countries that suffer the most from climate change. According to the latest forecasts, at the end of 21st century, annual temperature in Viet Nam will increase by 2-3oC, total rain amount and rain amount in rainy season will increase while rain amount in dry season will decrease, sea level may rise from 75cm to 1m compared to that of 1980-1999. If sea level rises 1m, approximately 40% of Mekong Delta area, 11% of Red River Delta area and 3% of other coastal provinces’ area will be flooded, about 10-12% of our population will be directly affected and the damage will value at 10% GDP. Climate change has serious impact on our country.It is a visible threat to poverty eradication, implementation of millennium goals and sustainable development of the country.
Understanding serious effect of climate change to the development of the country, the government has developed strategy, target programs and consistent solutions to respond to climate change. For coastal areas and islands, a range of big-scaled programs have been put forward such as upgrade and renovate dyke systems in adaptation with climate change and the rise of sea level, develop socio-economic condition of populated islands to effectively respond to climate change and the rise of sea level, create sample and multiply model “community effectively respond to climate change”. Among the forces participating in responding activities to climate change, civil and social organizations and the Youth play a critical role. The youth is a mass and potential force who has been and is playing a critical role in constructing the country. In the context of climate change, young people are the leaders and pioneers in protecting the environment, responding to climate change and also volunteering for the community. Therefore, this force has to be developed, connected, empowered and motivated in order for them to boldly sparkle.
Centre for Marinelife Conservation and Community Development (MCD) is a domestic non- governmental organization founded in 2003 with the objective of balancing the needs of coastal communities with environmental protection in the context of climate change. In the past 10 years, MCD has never stopped supporting local residents in environmental protection, sustainable exploitation and management of ocean resources to improve living conditions, positive stipulation on coastal eco-system management of multi-level authorities. MCD‘s working areas are the habitat of impoverished communities inside and around natural reserves, national parks, Coastal conservations and Biosphere reserves with ocean component according to national prioritization. With a team of 30 experts, experienced advisors, international sponsors, inbound and outbound partnerships and volunteers from many countries around the world, MCD has been and is now executing practical models; technical consultancy about resources management and livelihoods improvement in response to climate change, proposals to improve relevant policies in this field. For the past 10 years, MCD has acted towards sustainable development of coastal areas and islands. That contribution has been highly appreciated by communities, local and stated partners, colleagues inside and outside the country and sponsors.
“Partnership with MCD and the Youth in response to Climate change in Coastal Areas and Islands of Vietnam” and Blue Light House program are hoped to leave indelible imprints to celebrate a decade of devotion and growth for MCD.
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