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News and events

National consultation workshop on “Sustainable Development of Small Scale Fisheries in Vietnam and the FAO guidelines”

04. 05. 2013 News and events

The National consultation workshop on “Sustainable Development of Small Scale Fisheries in Vietnam and the FAO guidelines” was organised by Center for Marinelife Conservation and Community Development in collaboration with DECAFIREP and VINAFIS under the supportation of ICFS in 01-02 November 2012 in Hanoi.

The purpose of the workshop was to bring stakeholders together to provide input on the newly drafted FAO Sustainable Small Scale Fisheries (SSF) Guidelines in conjunction with the status of fisheries in Vietnam and build recommendations for improvements.

60 participants including both men and women, representing both inland and marine small scale fisheries, national and local authorities, fisheries organisations and associations, NGOs and fishermen representatives were attending the workshop.

The discussion focused on the role of small scale fisheries in the context of food security, poverty alleviation and sustainable use of fisheries resources. Other important non fisheries issues such as the links in value chains, disaster and climate change were also of the attention.

The workshop found most of the FAO guidelines relevant to the context of Vietnam. The most challenge relates to the possibility of the policy level to issue/amend those policy that links to the small scale fisheries. Major recommendations were referred to the suggestions of works that need to be done in order to enhance Environmental and resources protection and rehabilitation, Improve Access to Credit and extension resources for Small Scale Fisheries, Development of Value Chain Linkages with benefits for the small scale fishers, Integrating actions on Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction in the fisheries management, Recognizing the role of women and gender mainstreaming in fisheries activities, Co-Management and Integrated coastal zone management, Education, Research and Networking for all stakeholders.

The small scale fisheries sector was becoming more visible among the workshop participants and also the public through mass media campaigns which took place prior to, during and after the workshop. MCD will organise major recommendations and information about the workshop process in an official letter to be sent to general department of fisheries, the highest agency in charge of fisheries of Vietnam for their considerations.The synthesized summary of recommendations are presented and submitted to the DECAFIREP and General Directorate of Fisheries (Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development) for the further consultation and consideration. This will be useful inputs for the local government representatives to present and negotiate at the inter-governmental meeting, which is organized in Rome in May 2013.


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